Volume 11 (2024)
Volume 10 (2023)
Volume 9 (2022)
Volume 8 (2021)
Volume 7 (2020)
Volume 6 (2019)
Volume 5 (2018)
Volume 4 (2017)
Volume 3 (2016)
Volume 2 (2015)
Volume 1 (2014)
Keywords = Mindfulness
Number of Articles: 8
Effects of Stress Management Training on Cognitive Avoidance and Emotion Regulation Strategies in Female Students with Social Anxiety Disorder: A Mindfulness and Emotional Schema Therapy Approach
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 40-49
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training and Internet-Based Acceptance and Commitment Training on Academic Engagement, Mental Time Travel, and Students’ Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2023, Pages 82-91
Mindfulness in Elementary School Teachers: Effects on Teacher Stress, Mental Health, and Mindfulness in the Classroom
Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 73-82
The Role of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Therapy on the Behavioral Problems of Students with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 18-25
The Predictive Role of Parents’ Integrative Mindfulness and Self- Knowledge in Adolescents’ Emotion Regulation Patterns
Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 55-61
Effectiveness of Group Stress Reduction on Mental Health, Mothers’ Quality of Life, and Behavioral Problems in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2020, Pages 6-14
Comparing the Effects of Group Training of Mindful Parenting Skills and Psychological Capital on Stress and Psychological Flexibility in Mothers with Blind Girl Students
Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2020, Pages 31-38
Prediction of Cosmetic Surgery Tendency Based on Mindfulness, Personality Dimensions, Perfectionism and Mental Health Components
Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2016, Pages 1-6