Document Type : Research Article (s)


Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


Background: Understanding the factors that influence destructive behaviors in students is crucial to promote positive school environments and student well-being. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between school connectedness, psychological safety, and destructive behaviors in students, examining the mediating role of meaning of education and academic self-efficacy.
Methods: In this study, a correlational path analysis framework was adopted to examine the hypothesized relationships between the study variables. The target population encompassed all middle school students in Eyvan, Iran during the 2023 academic year. A multi-stage cluster sampling technique was employed to recruit a sample of 364 participants. The participants responded to the Destructive Behaviors Propensity Questionnaire (DBPQ), School Bonding Questionnaire (SBQ), Psychological Security Scale (PSS), Meaning of Education Questionnaire (MEQ), and Academic Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (ASEQ). The hypothesized model was evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM) implemented in AMOS 23.
Results: This study found significant positive correlations between school connectedness and the meaning of education (r=0.64, P<0.001), academic self-efficacy (r=0.34, P<0.001), and a decrease in destructive behaviors (r=-0.53, P<0.001). Similarly, psychological safety had significant positive correlations with the meaning of education (r=0.35, P<0.001) and academic selfefficacy (r=0.67, P<0.001), but not directly with destructive behaviors (r=-0.42, P<0.001). Importantly, both school connectedness and psychological safety showed significant indirect effects on reducing destructive behaviors, mediated by the meaning of education and academic self-efficacy (P<0.05).
Conclusions: The present study identified a positive association between fostering school connectedness and psychological safety, and a range of positive student outcomes, including a stronger sense of meaning in education, higher academic selfefficacy, and a reduction in destructive behaviors. Given this positive association, schools can prioritize initiatives that cultivate these factors within their learning environments.


Fatemeh Sadat Marashian: (Google Scholear)



How to Cite: Sadeghi P, Marashian FS, Heidari AR. The Correlation Between School Connectedness and Psychological Safety with Propensity for Destructive Behaviors in Students: The Mediating Role of Meaning of Education and Academic Self-Efficacy. Int. J. School. Health. 2024;11(3):188-199. doi: 10.30476/INTJSH.2024.102315.1402.


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